ABOVE: Young buck in the upper field, muskrat (right) and otter (left) in the little pond.

Bob and I met recently with Wildlife Biologist Sara Spencer from Maine’s Department of Inland Fisheries and Wildlife. We learned lots of interesting things including that otter like to take over abandoned beaver lodges, and crunch the shells of freshwater mussels like the ones we find around the banks of the little ponds. Raccoons open the shell with their paws much as humans do. She also told us that lower half of Hodgdon Pond has been declared an Inland Waterfowl Wading Bird Habitat, which protects it.

               NEW FOR 2018:
Every year we make improvements to the cottages. For 2018, we’ll have new dishwashers and stoves, as well as new living room rugs in Cottage 2, and a new rug in the Master Bedroom of Cottage 1. The Stand-Up paddle boards are a big hit, so we’ll try to get one more for each cottage, though that may take two years. We’ll make other small improvements as well, so let me know if you have suggestions.

Our thanks to all the wonderful people who work hard to make HPF a place we enjoy. Jason, our caretaker, Ebony and Tamara, our housekeepers for 2017, and Ben, who mows for us. Great job everyone!

If you refer anyone who rents for a week, you’ll get $100 deducted from your next rental or $100.00 towards dinner at Thurston’s Lobster Pound in Bernard or SIPS in Southwest Harbor.ext.
To make a reservation for 2018.

We really enjoy having you return to HPF because we know you must have liked your previous stay with us, you understand what we offer (and don’t), and you will take good care of our property. The other benefit for all of us is, off course, that we aren’t paying a fee to arrange a reservation. Making a booking directly also give us more flexibility in setting a security deposit and breaking the rent into three payments rather than one or two.  

To make a reservation for 2018, just send me an email at bkl@barbaralawrence.com or call me at 207-992-3039. Check the website: www.hpfacadia.com to make sure the time you want is available. 

                    THANKS from all of us at HODGDON POND FARM!

Iris and lupine at the little ponds, Yellow Swallowtail on the rhododendron at Cottage 2, frog at the little ponds in spring (I almost stepped on this one), bees on the roses in summer, Mallards on the float in Hodgdon Pond and Flickers and Cedar Waxwings on the Mountain Ash berries in late fall. 
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